An economic model of technical debt?

Paul Dyson
5 min readAug 18, 2011


An article I wrote in 2011 and imported from Wordpress.

A lot of what I’ve read about technical debt assumes that it is generally a bad thing. A lot of these articles also use credit card analogies to compare technical debt to personal finance and I think this is missing a trick. Businesses take a different view of debt to people and I wonder if using a more mature model of technical debt would allow us to take a more nuanced view? [Caveat, I’m not an economist or an accountant, I’ve just run SME businesses for a few years and so have a little knowledge, possibly just enough to get this badly wrong].

Start-ups like ours run on credit. Whether its founders taking no salary, people working for sweat equity, friends and family or Angel funding, buying kit and services on personal credit cards, whatever — there’s going to have to be a bit of debt incurred to get from having nothing but an idea to having enough paying customers to sustain you. When we incur technical debt in our start-up it is in very much the same spirit: if things don’t pan out the debt isn’t going to have to be paid back. That doesn’t mean you take on as much credit as is being offered because loading the business with debt may quickly become one of the causes of its failure. But you take sensible risks, take the credit you need and work bloody hard to pay it off before it becomes a burden.

As a business starts to establish itself things like cashflow become more important. A business might use credit (e.g. order factoring or bridging loans) to smooth the flow and to reduce their risk of running out of money. Many projects I’ve run experience a similar ebb-and-flow of requirements and I wonder if taking a longer-term view of the ‘requirements flow’ of a project might allow a more structured approach to technical debt; when there are lots of requirements to deliver in a short period, be prepared to take on a bit more technical debt. When there is less pressure to deliver requirements, pay the debt down. If the ‘less pressure’ phase isn’t looking like coming, take extraordinary action if it looks like the TD might get out of hand.

Once a business is established and looking to grow, it often takes on debt in order to achieve strategic objectives. What would be the equivalent in software delivery?

The problem with all the above is that it is still very much an analogy and I’m no great fan of analogies in software development. But what struck me about the conversation leading up to and following my previous post on Technical Debt is that technical debt isn’t really a metaphor as such. It’s not like monetary debt — where taking a bit of extra risk and incurring a greater overall cost in the long term allows you to achieve important things in the short term — it is monetary debt. By accepting technical debt you are (presumably, or why else are you doing it) incurring a lower cost, or enjoying a higher income, today but incurring a higher cost in the long run.

So what if we stopped treating technical debt as metaphor and started considering it as monetary debt? Could we quantify the costs we save by not doing something today (e.g. pairing, refactoring, resolving limits issues, optimising, or even just applying good old YAGNI) that may cause us pain at a later date? Could we quantify the value gained by doing something valuable sooner? Could we quantify how much more it will cost at that later date when we have to deal with the pain? Could we use these numbers to base decisions about whether or not to incur technical debt?

Here’s a simple example from our start-up. Two customers wanted broadly similar features adding to our product but had different timescales and some differences in detailed requirements. We took the decision to build two separate versions of the feature, one for each customer, even though we knew that this would give us two broadly similar sets of code to maintain and, if we wanted to sell the same feature to other customers, we would not only need to refactor them into one code set, we’d also have to do some additional work to migrate the customer’s data from their individual versions to the new unified model.

In this instance it wasn’t about cost saving as such. Both customers were willing to pay for the feature to be added if we could do it to their timeframe. So we got some money up front, lets say $100 (I’ll preserve the ratios but I’m not prepared to reveal the real sums). The cost of building it twice was a bit more than building it just the once, let’s say $20 instead of $15. We then had an additional cost of maintaining two code sets for awhile, lets say $3 instead of $2, and we then had the cost of the rework and migration: $12. All in, the gross profit for this was $100 — $20 — $3 — $12 = $65.

Now suppose we’d built it once for one customer, and then evolved it for the second customer. Immediate income is $50. Gross profit is $50 — $15 — $2 = $33. If we then sell to the second customer the profit goes up but probably not to $83, lets say $80 because there’s bound to be some migration or re-work required to keep customer 1 in alignment with what customer 2 wants.

In this economic model it is $15 more profitable not to incur the technical debt. But, and its a big but, in any business and particularly in a startup cash is king. $100 dollars this month is way better than $50 this month with the expectation of another $50 three months later. And that assumes customer 2 still wants to pay in three months time. By then they may have bought or built an alternative. If they don’t buy you’ve only made $33, not $65; by any conventional business model, a certain $65 profit is vastly preferable to a certain $33 profit with the possibility of an additional $47.

But whether or not you agree with the decision to go for the $100 now and incur the technical debt isn’t the point. The question isn’t whether we made the right choice in this instance, its whether quantifying like this makes it easier to surface the benefits and liabilities of technical debt? A lot of the blog articles about technical debt say its hard to quantify but making rough guesses about this stuff isn’t that hard and rough guesses should be all you need (let’s face it, most successful business are run on far rougher guesses about predicted revenue, predicted costs, etc.). And it seems to me that if, as techies, we could get better at using terms, equations and numbers the business understand we could get much better at communicating why we should or should not incur technical debt, what our current debt level is, what it will cost to pay down, what the financial, reputational or other forms of impact might be if the risks inherent in the debt don’t pan out, and so on.

Perhaps we could stop treating technical debt as a metaphor and start using it as a real tool for planning and delivering our products and projects.

Originally published at on August 18, 2011.



Paul Dyson

Technologist; CTO; Product Owner; Music Lover; Film Fanatic; Dendrophile.